How resilient are you? How well do you cope with challenges and unwanted change? Do you bounce back quickly from the adversity of life, or does difficulty make you give up on your dreams and goals?
Some people become comfortable in victim mode. Life has taught them to blame others for their difficulty. They feel helpless and closed while others get angry and respond with aggression. Some people, however, facing the same hardships, use their experience to develop inner strength and resolve. They pick themselves up and carry on rather than remaining defeated. The degree to which you may withstand difficulty and keep going is a measure of your personal resilience.
Resilience is the psychological capacity that allows us to survive and thrive, despite times of hardship. Martin Seligman, the father of positive psychology said that about one-third of the general population is low on resilience. But the good news is that we can change that.
The following test is a short-form RAQ-8 by Derek Mowbray (2011) 1. Take a few minutes to complete the resilience test to find out how resilient you are what you can do to enhance your coping skills.
Resilience Test Instructions
- Respond as you feel about yourself at present, not how you wish to be in the future.
- Answer as honestly as you can in relation to those with whom you usually associate.
- Answer all of the questions as skipping questions will lower your score and skew your results.
- The test provides a list of statements. Please select for each statement whether it is for you;
- Very accurate
- Moderately accurate
- Neither accurate Nor inaccurate
- Moderately inaccurate
- Very inaccurate
Once you have completed the Resilience Test, enter your email to view your results and receive further information on resilience to your inbox. This test is solely for personal interest use. Your results are anonymous, however, you may withdraw at any time. Your results will not be used for selection decisions, profiling, data analysis, or shared with third parties.