Welcome to Human Performance. I'm Larry Maguire, an organisational psychologist and lecturer in psychometrics, leadership, motivation, well-being, and human performance. I am also a development coach for executives and business owners and a workshop facilitator.
Developing the psychological skills necessary for peak performance in your work is an ongoing and dynamic undertaking. Amongst other things, it consists of understanding oneself and others, making effective decisions under pressure, regulating one's emotions, having concern for how our actions impact the world, and creating an environment where everyone can flourish. I built this site to provide you with the information you need to develop this essential mental skill set.
My Profile in Brief
I hold a Masters in Work & Organisational Psychology from DCU Business School and an honours BA in Psychology from Dublin Business School. I am a registered psychometric test user with the British Psychological Society, and I am a graduate member of the Psychological Society of Ireland. I am also a member of the Association of Coaching and have been in business for myself since 2000. I live in Dublin with my wife Joanne and our three kids.

Psychometric Testing
I provide psychometric assessments to individuals and organisations. If you are seeking the best-fit career path and psychological skill development for yourself, psychometrics can help. For organisations, make hiring and promotion decisions based on data, not a best guess.

One-to-One Coaching
I work with senior leaders, business executives, career people and business owners to help them find clarity & direction in their work. Get a call back to discuss your needs or find out how Executive Coaching can help you.

Mental Skills Workshops
I design learning and development workshops for organisations on the topics of leadership, motivation, and wellbeing. These workshops are particularly helpful for organisations experiencing rapid change due to mergers, takeovers, and/or technological shifts.

Mental Skills Courses
On the learning site, you and your people can access to self-paced course material on leadership, motivation, and wellbeing. The on-demand content can be particularly helpful for reinforcing recent learning or staff needing a reliable and always open learning resource.
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Get new regular content from me such as in-depth articles on the art and science of human performance. You'll also receive regular bitesize information on leadership, motivation, creativity, performance, daily work, and the self. Subscribe to get it to your inbox.
My Best Content
When you become a regular subscriber and reader, you can look forward to in-depth science-backed content detailing the operative components of human behaviour and high performance. I have focused this content on three areas: Leadership, Motivation, and Wellbeing. We'll explore proven practices for delivering the best results and offer real-world solutions to your everyday challenges. The primary content topics we'll cover are below. You can also Read the full archive.
The 21 Psychology Books List [Free]

These books are in my library at my home office and I refer to them regularly in my private work with clients and in my writing. Use these titles to build your knowledge of the psychological skills you need to succeed in work and life.
The Podcast
The podcast focuses on the psychology of leadership, motivation, and wellbeing. It's hosted on directly on this site and distributed to Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and everywhere good podcasts are played. I'll be discussing the components of human performance and introduce you to research experts on a regular basis. Listen on your favourite player below to get each new episode.

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What Next?
- Read articles on the psychology of human performance and apply what you learn.
- Listen to the podcast to reinforce your learning.
- Consume lots of books on behaviour & performance.
- Subscribe to the Peak Performer newsletter.
- Book a One-to-One Consultation or find out more about coaching.
Regards for now